Talking Point: Rudeness

8 Conversations

Children queuing nicely. But how long will that last?
The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any. — Fred Astaire

'How very dare you!' Do you find yourself wanting to blurt out Catherine Tate's creation Derek Faye's trademark line several times a week when you're out in public, just going about your ordinary business?

For example, when:

  • Cyclists nearly run you over, either cycling on the pavements or the wrong way down a one-way street?

  • The person next to you on the train barks down their mobile phone to their office... for almost the entire journey?

  • People don't restrain their kids from swearing, disregarding rules in public places or dropping litter?

  • Drivers deliberately take up two parking spaces with their flash motor - leaving you with nowhere to park?

An American survey in 2002 showed nearly 80% of people thought a lack of respect and courtesy in American society was a serious

problem. Have things got any better in the past five years on this side of the pond? The introduction of ASBOs and the Labour

Government's Respect task force, set up to tackle anti-social behaviour, would suggest not.

So, we want to know if you think politeness in our society has disappeared:

  • Are other people's children the worst offenders?

  • Or is it the opposite - are you dismayed by the lack of consideration shown to families with young children?

  • Are elderly people treated with enough respect - or are they the culprits when it comes to rudeness?

  • Is it acceptable to reserve a place in a supermarket queue?

  • To use traffic cones to reserve a parking space outside your house?

  • What about nabbing a table while you other half queues for food - while people who've got their meals can't find tables?

  • Have you ever told a stranger off for rude behaviour?

  • What's the WORST example of rudeness you've ever experienced?

  • What do you think is behind rudeness in society?

  • If you think we've lost our good manners - can anything be done to turn the tide?

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