The Borg

3 Conversations

Whilst traversing the Science Fiction spaceways, a fan of Star Trek will encounter The Borg. The Borg, a self-centered hive-minded "race" of techno-organic hybrids, are interested in assimilating entire species in their search for "Perfection." This raises certain problems:

1)Since each species they assimilate is inherently imperfect, and they assimilate all aspects of all species, then the Borg must have a vast amount of imperfection which is the sum of the imperfections of their victims.

2)Seeing as how the Borg continue to assimilate species, this sum of imperfections must be INCREASING. Therefore, the Borg are actually working to make their collective as imperfect as possible.

Many good authors and screen-writers have toyed with how to combat a race that adapts on the fly. Star Trek: First Contact showed a very quick-and-dirty meathod THAT WORKS: Since the Borg need to have physical contact with their components/computers/weapons etc, and that they cannot stop physical (ie SOLID) matter from touching them, all one has to do is to replicate/purchase/shapeshift into/steal a projectile-based weapon (EG/ The Tommy Gun used by Picard in the Holodeck scene). 24th Century monsters can therefore be killed by a weapon of the 1930's.

P.S. In case you are not the best shot or are a pacifist or are not sure of whether assimilation is your thing, AVOID THE BORG! (DUH!)

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