A Conversation for Terrorism- an introduction

Peer Review: A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 1


Entry: Terrorism- a quick overview - A2720477
Author: Lordofthebeans - U753522

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 2


Hi Lord of the Beans,

This is an intresting topic for an entry, I don't think that we have one on terrorism in the Edited Guide, but I do think that perhaps we need to have a little more on terrorism than is included here, even in an entry that's just an introduction.

What about a definition of what terrorism is. How one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, what motivates terrorists. What sort of acts that they perform etc etc.

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 3


Thanks for the advice, I have as it happens just completed a debate in terrorism throughout the whole country which our school won but I don't want to go to deeply into in at the moment but I will try when I have time, a clearcut definition of what terrorism is quite hard as so many have differing views, that one topic alone could incite hours of debate or at least a page to itself but thanks and it will be updated as soon as possible.

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 4

Researcher 740739

There already is an edited entry on terrorism actually: A330995. However, although I don't know the rules for peer review, I don't feel the edited entry is very comprehensive and I think it needs updating.

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 5

Rik Bailey

I have an article called Fundamentalist Islam - a Misnomer, which deals with terrorism, you might find some useful info in it.



A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 6


This history of terroism is a fascinating subject, and a very complex one, I certainly wouldn't be able to write an article on it, and I admire anyone who would be able to.

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 7


Erm this sounds a bit sad but I have exams right now so if anyone wants to chip in and help out with this it would be great, thanks

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 8


Not at all! I'll in the middle of exams as well - though that's a constant state of affairs at the moment.

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 9

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, the author doesn't seem to have returned to hootoo since the above post. Thoughts?

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 10


I'd say back to entry. The original author, muzaakboy, to me is one of the more interesting folk around here, but rather infuriatingly he's not around that much.

The stub of this entry is something that he had written, that has been copied and added to and chucked forward into PR by someone new. However this new author has done pretty much sod all to build upon the original.

Furthermore, how the heck do you do a "quick overview" to terrorism? The subject is way to complicated, and this entry as it stands does it no justice what-so-ever.

Stick it on your list smiley - ok

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 11

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Added. smiley - cheers

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 12

Rik Bailey

Opps sorry I'm not around to much. I lead a very busy life, as do most people actually, so I don't have much of an excuse. Actually its because my computer at home is dead to the world. I need to get a new one, but I'm in the middle of decorating and renovating my house so my funds are tight.

If I'm lucky I can sneak on at work, but usually I have to rate till I can get access at the library, which is ultra slow. Imagine a dial up modem plugged up to a router for 6 individual machines, and you know the rest.

When on line its about 3 min wait to see what you have just typed and four mins to get on to a internet site.

I think my phone would be faster but for some reason though I can access the site I can't seem to do any posts from it. darn.


A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 13


While there are some interesting points made with this entry (fascinating slant on Star Wars smiley - ok), I have to say that in total, this entry currently reads more like a polemic than a reasoned assessment of terrorism and the different perspectives therein.

I particularly call attention to the following entry - "for once the British did too, even to this day British armies continue to fight off Northern Irish terrorist groups such as The IRA (Irish republican Army) and the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force) who might I add both fought bravely in the first world war and never intended to be terrorists. Britain with her mighty empire vowed to destroy all those who condemned their way of life, and shunned Western behaviour."

Its almost completely wrong. The British are not fighting off the IRA in anything like the levels of the 1990's or before. The IRA has been on ceasefire for 10 years, and the UVF (and UDA etc) have also been on ceasefire. (As it happens the UVF saw themselves on the same side as the British Army, and not fighting against it). What you have in Northern Ireland is closer nowadays to a pretty normal fight against common and organised criminals than a concerted terrorism effort. I also question the IRA and UVF both fighting bravely in the First World War. Lots of Irish and British fought bravely in the First World War, but not under any IRA or UVF flag. Many IRA and UVF members never went to war. These issues are purely local to Ireland, and had nothing to do with World War I. Never intended to be terrorists? I think you might find that the roots of terrorism in Ireland go a long long way back, and that there were quite advanced plans on both sides to cause mayhem if the British Government decided on a Home Rule policy for Ireland. The traditions were there long before WWI. Also I would like to see clearer evidence of the vow that Britain took to destroy those who condemned their way of life, because frankly I don't think such a thing exists.

I would suggest you read up a bit more on Northern Ireland - like most things to do with terrorism it's a very complex scenario where very few absoluteist statements on right and wrong can be made.

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

A2720477 - Terrorism- a quick overview

Post 14

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

I agree with the first point made (cant remember who said it)

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Look at Palestine for instance

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