A Conversation for The Virtual Doughnut Blues

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 1


Please post additional contributions here smiley - smiley

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Tought I'd help out Joanna
Gave an S30 a name
Won't mention if again
I'm not getting cursed again
It's the Doughnut unmentioned
I've got those Doughnut Blues Again

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Make the an a the in the second line. smiley - smiley

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 4

Zak T Duck

I woke up late this morning,
I'd had quite a snooze.
Joanna gave me an IWA,
How could I refuse?
What a perfect cure,
For those Virtual Doughnut blues.

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 5


I've spoken to Joanna,
We've debated hard and long,
Yet no matter how I tell her,
She keeps spelling "Doughnut" wrong.
I think I'll hit the bottle,
I've got the Virtual DOughnut Blues again.


More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 6


Well gee! I didn't mean to have you all singing the blues about donuts! They're supposed to be nice!

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 7

Demon Drawer

It's just the occasional occasion that occassionally we get them Doughnut Blues.

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - sadfacesmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

See only occasionally. smiley - winkeye

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 8


And yet this page is only a day old, and there already 5 verses...

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 9

Demon Drawer

Ah, memories as was pointed out earlier today there are 13 incarnations of the Donut/Doughnut stall so if there are only 5 verses it most be because of the excellent service. smiley - smiley

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 10


And the new verse only serves to point out you can get the virtual doghnut blues when you can't get to the doughnuts smiley - smiley

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 11

Demon Drawer

I ordered a Doughnut
Never got to enjoy it in peace
Got pushed off the keyboard
My father didn't heed my pleas
Let me eat my Donut
Or I'll get those Virtual Doughnut blues

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 12


smiley - smiley

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 13


Surely for Blues its
smiley - sadface?

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 14


I got a honey doughnut,
'Cause I love that sweet taste,
Then tried to do some writin'
I had no time to waste,
But now my keyboard's sticky,
I got them Virtual Doughnut Blues again. smiley - sadface

More Virtual Doughnut Blues

Post 15


What a pleasant surprise to see this one pop up again smiley - smiley Thanks Ormondroyd, it's in.

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