A Conversation for The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 1


Entry: The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress) - A27167853
Author: LibrarianPear - U2218784

Hello all. I've been working on this for a long while (on and off) and I think it *might* be finished, but I just wanted other people's opinions about whether they think it needs more work or whether it would be safe to submit it to the Edited Guide.

All comments gratefully received, but please be gentle! Thanks, LP.

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

I think this is tremendous. I'm not an expert on the subject matter, but I see no reason why this shouldn't go into PR straight away. I just found one minor point confusing:

'The author of John’s Gospel...'

I've always presumed that the author was John, but I'm obviously wrong smiley - smiley The gist I got from reading your Entry is that we're not sure who the author of the gospel was, and if that is the case it's probably worth mentioning right at the start, give us a bit of explanation.

Nice work smiley - ok

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 3


I'll have to come back later, but if Skanky thinks it's ready for PR, I'm sure it is. Hopefully I'll be reading it there! smiley - smiley

This is one of the entries listed on the Challenge h2g2 page, isn't? The life of Jesus through the gospels is one of the ones they really want.

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 4


Well I cant see much to say other than well done.

A small point an addition please, can you cover the differance between Gnostic and Synoptic a footnote will do it just avoid confusion
Gnostic and Synoptic the words are similar to the casual reader

(from Greek gnōsis, knowledge)
(from Greek, opsis, seeing)

Plus a word or two to define the differance.

smiley - applause good work smiley - cheers I am imprssed.


A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 5

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Dazzling work there Librarian.smiley - cool

I just spotted one typo -

>> Glorify the Son, that the Son my glorify you- John 17:1 << Son may glorify smiley - biro

and I don't know whether I missed it or not but John 3:16 I think is possibly the most famous of all bible verses.smiley - winkeye

I'd put this in PR if I were you.smiley - applause

smiley - mouse

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 6


Hi Skanyrich, thanks for your comment. According to most scholars we're not definitely sure about who the author was. It most likely was John, but some scholars disagree. I will briefly mention this at the beginning and try not to get bogged down in it!

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 7


Hi Elentari (sorry am replying to comments individually, otherwise I'll forget who asked what!). Yes, this was on the Challenge page and I was silly enough to take it on! It's taken me ages to actually get round to (hopefully) finishing it.

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 8


Thanks Bob. Will add the footnote as you suggest.

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 9


Hi Fizzymouse. Will alter the typo, thanks for spotting that!

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 10


Have now made suggested changes. Would anyone mind having a look and letting me know if it's ok? Thanks.

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 11


My only two comments - and they're really more PR type comments - are these:

"Jesus as king of Israel(verse 49)," You need a space before the bracket there.

Also, I'd like it if you could put a footnote explaining what logos means, and also italicise it as a foreign word. Not sure if that's House Style though, to be honest.

It's definitely ready for PR. smiley - smiley

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 12


This is finished as far as I can see, good work off to PR I'd say. smiley - cheers

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 13


Well, I am going to put it into PR and see what happens...

A27167853 - The Presentation of Jesus in John's Gospel (In progress)

Post 14

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - goodluck

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