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Red, the long-wave end of the visible spectrum, is induced in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths between 630-750 nanometers. The color red is an essential part of life, serving to warn people to stop while driving, traditionally representing love, and looking lovely on towels. Red, being one of the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue), can be used to make a wide variety of colors. For example, when mixed with yellow, the result is the color orange. If mixed with blue, one gets purple. Mixing different amounts of the primary colors will also result in more color possibilities.

Classic Uses of Red

-Symbol of love and the color of hearts

-Color of blood, an essential part of life for humans

-Describing some of the denizens of Texas (ie. rednecks)

-One of the two main colors on a Pepsi can

-The main color on a Coca-Cola can

-Symbol of war and color of the planet Mars, named after the god of War

-Symbol of evil, fire, and hell

-Color of albinos' pupils

-Used for many everday items: flags, toys, clothes, towels, cars, tractors, etc.

-Color of some apples, tomatoes, and peppers

-Referring to a person as a revolutionary activist

-The original color of a laser
More Uses of Red

-Symbol of communism, red flag, little red book

-Symbol of masculinity and virility: red blooded male

-Associations with sex, as in "a little red number"

-Emergency, as in a fire engine


-Danger, as in red ants

-Fatigue and overnight plane journey: red eyes

-Embarrassment: red-faced

-Lunar eclipse: red moon

-Innocence: little red riding hood

-Horror: red dragon

-Drunk: rednosed

-Sanguine: cheerful, confident, optimistic

-The old color of buses and phone boxes in the United Kingdom

-Red card: in football(soccer), indicating ejection from a game
Common Red Phrases

-"Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight."

-"In the red," denoting financial loss.

-"Seeing red."

-"Blood red."

-"Red mist," signifying a sudden shot of anger.

-"Red cross," the emblem of an international organization caring for the sick, wounded, etc.

-"Red hand," the mark of a baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; the Badge of Ulster.

-"Red herring," a smoked herron with a reddish hue; something drawing attention away from an issue.

-"Caught red-handed," catching someone in the act of commiting a crime.

Red is often used in self-explainable phrases, such as red-breasted, red-faced, red-head, red-tailed, red-topped, and red-whiskered. It is commonly used in plant and animal names as well, including the red admiral, red ant, red bass, red fox, red ash, red birch, and red cedar.

On a side note, it is a common myth that bulls are attracted through the use of the color red. In fact, bulls are color blind, and it is the wave of the flag that causes the bull to charge. Just remember, as the color red has no smell, we take no responsibility for anyone sniffing red paints, aerosols, etc.

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