West Wing
Created | Updated Jun 5, 2004
Word endings tell you what the word is:
-o = single subject noun
-on = single object noun
-oj = plural subject noun (j is pronounced like y)
-ojn = plural object noun
-as = present tense verb
-is = past tense verb
-os = future tense verb
Therefore 'La viro legas libron' (the man reads a book) can be written as:
Viro legas libron
Viro libron legas
Libron legas viro
Libron viro legas
Legas viro libron
Legas libron viro
and you can work out what it means by looking at the word endings to see who is doing what to whom.
La means the, no matter what you're talking about.
Some vocab:
amiko (friend)
filo (son)
frato (brother)
instruisto (teacher)
knabo (boy)
patro (father)
kafo (coffee)
kuko (cake)
lakto (milk)
pano (bread)
sukero (sugar)
teo (tea)
Verb roots:
far' (do, make)
forges' (forget)
hav' (have)
trink' (drink)
vend' (sell)
vid' (see)
All the above taken from
which is really really good for learning the basics