A Conversation for Kebab Vans - The core of the Oxford Student experience

You are so right

Post 1

Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

The kebab van is, as you say, one of the most hallowed institutions here in Oxford.

You neglected to mention, however, that the best chips in the world can be found right opposite Trinity College's gates, in the van of the cook of the gods, Hassan. Not only are his chips the nicest - and trust me, we've tried them all smiley - smiley - but the friendly staff remember who you are (even over the Christmas holiday) and have your regula order ready almost before you ask for it! smiley - smiley Sheer genius.

You mean, I might have gone to a university where such a thing did not exist? Perish the thought. Glad I fluked the 2.5 hr entrance exam and two interviews, then. smiley - winkeye

Matthew smiley - planet

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