A Conversation for 24 Lies A Second

Dr. Jackyl

Post 1

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Did you spot robbie coltrane in it at all, or was it just the voice work?

Dr. Jackyl

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

He was just the voice, once Hyde was forced into becoming Jeckyl again, the actor in question was a small, thin, grey-haired dude, who couldn't possibly have been Robbie Coltrane.

Didn't notice that he was the voice, but now you mention it.... smiley - ok

Dr. Jackyl

Post 3


Hey all my favourite people gathered in one spot...

So is this bad but likable or what? (ie Highlander, Bill and Ted, The Mummy....)

Dr. Jackyl

Post 4


Very bad, but very likeable. Kept me entertained, and useful for taking the mind off of less pleasant matters.

Who exactly allowed that ending though?

Dr. Jackyl

Post 5

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

yeh i gathered that it wasnt robbie coltrane when he turned into thacker mid air.

Its not that good. Theres some good moments dont get me wrong, but the idea of Van Helsing turning into a werewolf sort of ruined the film. Basically they've tried to whack in as many monsters as possible. It would have been much better to have just the vampires (the ballroom scene is fantastic, although the escape was very predictable).
Its one of those films that unless you get into it (or if your a fan of this kinda thing) then your not going to like it because its too predictable.

Also the part where the woman quite casually swings from the window of a large tower was a bit limp.

Dr. Jackyl

Post 6


Well the idea of Van Helsing has certainly ruined the film for me since I've been told what happens...

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 7


The dance scene was pretty much nicked from Roman Polanski's Dance of the Vampires.

I thought, as blockbusters go, this was pretty decent - overblown ending aside. Projects including Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolf Man have a very dodgy record historically, this is better than most.

Even if some stuff was very obviously left out for the purposes of the sequel...

I hate spoilers too. A pernicious practice. Those who deliberately spoil deserve no mercy.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Heh, I liked it, but it was absoloute cack. Then again, I like my films like my footie. Crap, but unpredictable and generally entertaining. I mean, I'm no film expert but I didn't see the ending coming. However I did suss out who Mr VH is meant to be from the not-so subtle clues...

And AD, I didn't know you'd not seen it, but you're right. The guy did look a wee bit like Thacker....

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 9

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

I think they tried to steer away from the originals so they didnt get lots of money taken off them. ah well. Theres a sequel on the way, but having killed all the bad guys, whos next? (random bet- he'll travel east and learn to use a katana, and fight some form of evil deamon)

The best things about it was dr. jeckyl, the setting, and the troy trailer at the start.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 10

Secretly Not Here Any More

And the hat. The hat made the film.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 11


I had a job like that once.

This was a Universal movie, who own the rights to these films in the first place, so there was no real reason to dodge the originals - as indeed they don't. And I doubt this'll be the only time in history Dracula stays dead for the sequel - he ALWAYS comes back!

Can I plug the 'Good Review' thread here and ask that folk contribute to it if they haven't already? Your chance to shape the future of 24LAS!

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 12


I have since seen Van Helsing and found Hugh Jackman's comments that he was playing someone different enough from X-Men...

I personally saw it as Wolverine: Vampire Hunter.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 13


And actors still complain about being typecast... smiley - winkeye

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 14


Dracula kept reminding me of that guy from Lexx.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 15

Secretly Not Here Any More

Watched it on DVD last night (well, at 4am this morning). It's still cool...

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 16


Yes we accept the greatness of the hat smiley - biggrin

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 17

Secretly Not Here Any More

Are you sure you quite understand how cool the hat really is?

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 18


Yes I can.

Dr. Jeckyl

Post 19

Secretly Not Here Any More

Good. Just making sure.

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