A Conversation for The Supreme Force Called Love

My reflections on love

Post 1

Queen Meb

What a beautiful simple view of love. Some might say nieve and others might say only someone who has expirenced true love could understand. I only hope one day that I can read this and understand every word written.

I know

Post 2


I understnd every single word that is written. I know what the feeling of being in love wih someone is. But my love believes we are only friends but I see so much more, and it isnt my imagination everyone around sees it too. He is blind to his feelings, if only he would open his eyes then he would realize that he is missing out on the most important thing in his life. Love is also timing. It will find you when you are ready and you will realize when you are ready. I first knew when we drank the best coffee ever in a little cafe in Paris, everything after that was magic. I never expected it, and it happened. He is obviously not ready yet. Hopefully he will be soon, but I am prepared to wait for the rest of my life, without him there is no life.

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My reflections on love

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