BasingsToke. Last stop on the road to hell?

2 Conversations

Just past Farnborough on the M3 motor way the majestic towers of Basingstoke's thriving business community spring up into view and that familiar sense of bitterness creeps into your mind. It's not so much that you're first view of Basingstoke features a concrete monstrosity that gets you down, more the sudden realisation that you are returning to the world of the dull!. It's not that Basingstoke isn't well equipped, on the contrary it is very well equipped with bowling alleys, ice rinks, a poor football team, cinemas. motor museums, very bad night-clubs, even worse shops, sports centres, golf clubs, lawn bowling clubs, bad local radio old peoples homes, and a very large lunatic asylum!...hmmmmmm

The real problem with Basingstoke is that most of it's amenities are designed to pamper to the needs of complete imbeciles, the Ben Sherman wearing majority have created their utopia. A town of weak larger, "sorry mate no trainers" Aggressive 15 yr. olds " did you call my pint a poof?", bad fashion statements "70% off Madhouse sales" and intrusive sculpture "the 14 ft penis".
There is one area of Basingstoke that has culture and charm .....No really there is! The village of Basing lies about 1 mile to the East and is home to about 6000 and is home of the man who put the Toke in Basingstoke .The fact that his village completes the other half of the towns name is pure coincidence ....I think.

To sum up, Basingstoke is a poor excuse for a bad town in the V neck jumper wearing, Volvo driving, Tory voting , muppet haven that is Hampshire. But it could be worse ..... probably!

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