A Conversation for Donut Menu

Abridged specials

Post 1

Demon Drawer

What no S5,S7,S12. I'm deeply upset I have gone right off the L2 I was given only minutes ago.

Abridged specials

Post 2


I'll have to get around to linking from the main site (and saying bye to pie) - but DD's right, where are ALL the doughnut types?

Abridged specials

Post 3


Patience, virtue, is.
I've been battling with learning enough HTML to write the damn page, thanks very much, don't think I've finished! You all were so desparate for a menu though, I thought a basic one would cheer you up, but no....

Abridged specials

Post 4


Some people are *so* impatient. Joanna, I thought the menu was excellent and I look forward to future developments smiley - smiley

Abridged specials

Post 5


Thank you very much, BlueSlider.
Blue and DD, please visit
I've updated the menu some now.

Abridged specials

Post 6

Demon Drawer

Joanna was this a deliberate attempt to curse me or was it just a mistype on the old link.

Yours worriedly,

DD smiley - sadface

Abridged specials

Post 7


You insulted my article. The curse is there so's I can curse people.... just a warningsmiley - smiley

Abridged specials

Post 8

Demon Drawer

Warning taken how are you this fine day J. smiley - smiley

Abridged specials

Post 9


I'm fine, thanks, and how are you?

Abridged specials

Post 10

Demon Drawer

Doing fine and glad it is lunchtime on a friday.

Abridged specials

Post 11


With the whole weekend ahead.... *stares into the middle distance*

Abridged specials

Post 12

Demon Drawer

*Follows her stare*

Abridged specials

Post 13


*sees a wall; darn, wrong direction...*

Abridged specials

Post 14

Demon Drawer

*Quick about and stares into the weekend*

Abridged specials

Post 15


*Joanna follows his stare, now*

Abridged specials

Post 16

Demon Drawer

*Stare looks like a dark blue background with lots of writing on it*

No surprise there then.

Abridged specials

Post 17


No, not reallysmiley - smiley

Abridged specials

Post 18


Thanks for the credit, Joanna! Hope you like the smiley. smiley - smiley

Abridged specials

Post 19


If I didn't like it I wouldn't use it...smiley - winkeye

Abridged specials

Post 20


Very good point. smiley - smiley

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