A Conversation for Stonehenge


Post 1


It is a anchent calender thats all


Post 2


Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense!

Who needs a 300 ton, stationary calendar?? Especially one that massive?

Wouldn't it have been easier to make it out of wood, and just replace pieces as they rotted?

smiley - towel


Post 3


Certianly a simpler and more utilitarian astronomic calendar could have been constructed much more easily. I think the scale of the thing suggests that it must have had some religious significance to the people who built it. The pharohs could have been given simple headstones, but because of their religous importance, people labored for years to make them massive burial tombs. It seems to me that whoever built Stonehenge must have been motivated by something more than just wanting to know what day it was.


Post 4


if it was wood it would be more work... do u know how fast wood rots.... it most likely was a relogus site but it was a clander frist

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