Clear Sign
Created | Updated Apr 14, 2004
Captain John Ridgway is sailing round the world to draw attention to the looming extinction of the albatrosses. During this race he visits fishing harbours to try and lecture the fisherman homefront.
We, the internet community can also contribute. Sign the petition, just your email address, your name and origin (aks your parents if required, and have them sign also!). John Ridgway will present the petition to the United Nations in June.
Another way to contribute is to try and take care you do not consume these poached fish. Just ask for the origin or read the labels. Humanity can not survive on this planet if we are hunting all the animals to extinction. Perhaps consuming 'farmed' food only is the best long term solution.
John Ridgway 2 april 2004.
Thelma phoned this morning. She had also phoned while we were in Wellington and spoke with Nick, as Marie Christine and I were ashore arranging the talk in the Te Papa Centre. THis morning Thelma told us she sent a message to the Falklands, which we never received. The point of this is that we have never met Thelma, she is someone who has been following my Daily Log on BBCi H2G2. Unfortunately we are unable to call up H2G2 from the boat, so nobody who has ever sent us a message via H2G2, has ever got through directly to us. So they may never have had a reply either. This of course was not how we imagined our involvement with the BBC would work out. Among the many changes at the BBC over these past 8 months, perhaps BBCi H2G2 has been downsized, I'm afraid we don't know.
John Ridgway 8 februari 2004.
From the outset of the voyage it has been clear to me that the best way for us to achieve the Aim is to get people from all over the world to sign our Petition and for Marie Christine and me to take it to the United Nations in Rome 1-4 June 2004
John Ridgway 9 november 2003.
To stop pirate fishing, all countries must take action to:
1. End flags of convenience (FoC) for fishing vessels, and close all markets and ports to FoC vessels and their stolen fish;
2. Ratify all relevant international agreements to protect Albatrosses and other marine life, including the United Nations Fish Stock Agreement;
3. Enforce protection at sea and intercept pirate vessels.
John Ridgway 13 september 2003.
We will need all the help we can get with this, and we welcome any ideas through the BBC H2G2 website to the boat out here in the South Atlantic.
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