Have you heard....?

6 Conversations

We all have them in our record collections somewhere.

Great albums by great bands that nobody else seems to have heard of. Or obscure works by big name artists that really should be heard more.

Well, bring them here. Bands and albums that deserve more love than they currently receive, bring them on, to this shrine to the underappreciated. If you're passionate about Die Toten Hosen or are humming along to a Belly song as you read this, tell us about it!

Tell us why they're so great, tell us why EVERYONE should go out and buy their records right blimmin' now. Tell us where you first heard them and what grabbed you.

As a starter for 10, my own 'band who should be massive and aren't, inexplicably' is the mighty Fountains of Wayne, who produce brilliant, literate American guitar pop with choruses to die for. I fell for them after I bought their self-titled first album, which is perfect summer driving music for those brought up on the Beach Boys and the Rolling Stones. I fell for a girl that summer too, and the two combined for an unforgettable few months. Their follow-up album, 'Utopia Parkway' is a winning mix of clever, more mature tunes and downright stupid pop-punk. With their storming new album 'Welcome Interstate Managers', they might actually hit the big time. I hope so, as they deserve to be heard!

Over to you...

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