A Conversation for MotMV Pirate Ship; The Fang of the Squishy Rubber Marks

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 41

Fish's Freak


Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 42

Livin dead doll

Yo! Where are you?

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 43

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

[Black Baa'd] Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

smiley - piratesmiley - sheep

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 44

Fish's Freak

I'm everywhere... smiley - ghost

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 45

Livin dead doll

Guess who I talked to last night

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 46

Fish's Freak

Rory? Andy?

*absently pats sheep on head*

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 47

Livin dead doll

Yeah Rory, he didnt want me to hang up bless him. I said he was lovely and he went "well your adorable so ha" bless him

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 48

Fish's Freak

Yes. Bless. Well, good for you. Hope you're having fun. I have to go in a minute cos I'm going to the dentist.

Did you tell your mum about what we were talking about yesterday?

Oh, by the way I accidentally stole your RAF pen yesterday. I'll give it back tomorrow.

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 49

Livin dead doll

No I havent told her, I really dont want her finding out. I'm sure I can handle it.

Thats ok, bring it back when you want. I have another one you know

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 50

Fish's Freak

So long as you're ok. That's what's important.

Well, see ya tomorrow. smiley - hug

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 51

Livin dead doll

Ok hunni bye

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 52

Fish's Freak

I'm back. smiley - smiley

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 53

Livin dead doll

Yay, hows u hunni?

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 54

Fish's Freak

smiley - erm Need energy... smiley - choc

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 55

Livin dead doll

Me too, I'm really tired, and this computer is making me annoying me

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 56

Livin dead doll

Ok typo thats how stressed I am I cant even type properly

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 57

Fish's Freak

smiley - rofl

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 58

Livin dead doll

*walks in* Oh my this place is a mess. Whos in charge of cleaning this cabin? Oh yeah I am *starts to clean*

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 59

Fish's Freak

smiley - huh How could a parrot hold a broom? smiley - erm

Livin dead dolls Cabin

Post 60

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

a parrot don't need a broom, it's got a built in feather duster

smiley - cheers

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