Talking Point: Phobias

5 Conversations

Some red-bellied piranhas.

A hungry pack of piranhas ripping apart their prey is certainly a terrifying image. Yet it appears the piranhas' fearsome reputation has been somewhat over-exaggerated.

Scientists from St Andrews University, Scotland have made the claim the fish form packs not to hunt, but for protection against being hunted themselves.

Far from being fish which go crazy when they smell blood, their main diet consists of other fish, plants and insects - so these small creatures might not be as deadly as has been depicted in various film scenes over the years.

Still, all things considered, I think I'll follow you into the water...

  • Do you have a phobia?

  • Why do you think you have this phobia?

  • Is it a common phobia?

  • Why does this thing inspire such fear in you?

  • Do any of your friends and family share this same fear?

  • What is their reaction to your fear?

  • Do they understand why you are afraid of this thing, or do they think you are being irrational?

Previous Talking PointsPiranha 'less deadly than feared'

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