A Conversation for Sporting With Egon
Iditarod update
several, a/k/a random Started conversation Mar 18, 2004
This just in....Alaskan Mich Seavey won the sled dog race with a time of nine days, 12 hours, 20 minutes and 22 seconds to the applause of hundreds of spectators that lined the streets of Nome, Alaska to cheer the mushers on. The aforementioned Norwegian, Kjetil Backen, finished third.
Iditarod update
Post Team Posted Mar 18, 2004
And how are Doug Swingley's corneas? Nicely unfrozen?
Good to hear the Norwegian still managed 3rd after the upset of losing a dog. I expect the crowd gave him a generous round of applause also.
Iditarod update
egon Posted Mar 18, 2004
Shazz- DD has just informed of a bit about the Scottish league cup final that he wrote, but could't submit in time- would it be possible to ether have a late edit too include it, or tag it on nexst week? It's posting 1 at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F50865?thread=396625&post=5038603#p5038603 And Several, I must say I have been fascinated by these tales of dog sled racing over the last fortnight- while lying in bed ill, it warmed my heart to read on my mobile phone email these tails of utterly bizarre minority sport. Good on ya for giving it some exposure
Iditarod update
several, a/k/a random Posted Mar 18, 2004
the initial Associated Press report did not mention swingley, Shazz, i shall check the alaska newspapers when they go online.
glad you enjoyed it, Egon, and definitely glad you're better.
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Iditarod update
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