A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club
VSC: A good start for McTurniphead then....
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Started conversation Aug 16, 2006
Couldn't ask for more. Crouchy even looked like a top drawer player.
VSC: A good start for McTurniphead then....
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Aug 16, 2006
I thought 3 of our goals were very scrappy. Although I was at the game and haven't seen any replays. Gerrard on the right looks to be a good option, although I haven't written off goldenballs yet, and Hargreaves looks to be the missing link in the team. His tackle on the edge of our box was a stormer. Downing looks hit and miss, but that could just be a lack of match practice. Lennon looked electric at points though, what an impact substitute that lad could be...
VSC: A good start for McTurniphead then....
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Aug 17, 2006
I wonder if that is the future for Crouch as well.
VSC: A good start for McTurniphead then....
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Aug 17, 2006
First half good, second half not so good
I was amazed at how poor Greece were - a lot of comedy defending made it rather easy, but as they say, you can only beat what's in front of you.
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VSC: A good start for McTurniphead then....
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