A Conversation for How do I...?

Intro Page

Post 1

Micheal Jay Mole

OK I'm really stupid. How do you create your introduction page? The instructions say "push the button on you left" but the indicated button doesn't seem to exist on my screen. I'm getting tired of seeing
"Researcher Micheal Mole hasn't taken the time to...": yes I have but
what I write never seems to appear. Hmm....? Any guidance out there in
the void? Do I need to eat more peanuts and drink more beer? Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated! I'm trying to contact a fellow
researcher: Amy Ant. Amy! Help!

Intro Page

Post 2


Hello smiley - smiley Hope I can help smiley - smiley Ok once you have got to your homepage, there should be a button called 'edit page'. If you click this then you get a large box, where you can type what you want. Once you are happy with what you have typed click the 'update page' button, at the bottem of the box, and hopefully it will work. You have probably tried this already, but I have to start somewhere smiley - smiley If this doesn't help then 'reply' below and tell me (oh and tell me if the background of your pages is white or blue - to find out which 'skin' you are using smiley - smiley Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Intro Page

Post 3


I'd recommend hitting the refresh button a few times, in the event of any button you'd like to show up not actually showing up...


Intro Page

Post 4


That'll be the left that's really right in the alabaster skin. If you want the button on the left try adding &skin=classic to the URL of your homepage eg http://www.h2g2.com/U136837&skin=classic to see how it looks in the original colours where the button is on the left for editing the page.
Someone should have words with the editors about that.

Intro Page

Post 5


I am having the same problem. I tried HTML and plain text and the page never gets updated. The preview seems fine. Please help!

Intro Page

Post 6


Please ignore previous message as my intro page has now changed. Guess I just had to ask about it to work some sympathetic magic!

Intro Page

Post 7


I think that it now takes some time to update the pages rather than no time at all. I guess this was part of the re-write to help stop the load on the servers going sky high.

Intro Page

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Just a bit of general advice: once you've previewed your page, remember you have to hit "Update" to make the changes permanent... the number of times I've forgotten to do that is quite embarrassing!

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