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Raven Coin Trick

Post 1

Researcher XXX

Does anyone know the basic principle (or more) behind the Raven Coin Trick?
I know that's it a trick that you have to buy and so presumably can't be done with any old coin.
Can anyone shed any light?
If someone wants to tell me and not the entirety of h2g2 then e-mail me: [email protected]
smiley - bigeyes

p.s. In reward of a satisfactory explanation I might be able to let someone in on a very good 'levitation' trick that I have fooled many people with.

Raven Coin Trick

Post 2


Erm... what actually *is* the Raven Coin Trick?

I mean, I might just be being dense here... but...

...it's also possible that it goes by different names in different parts of the world, in which case describing it might help you get an answer of some sort.


Raven Coin Trick

Post 3

Researcher XXX

It's where you have a 'coin' on your hand and wave your other hand over it and the coin magically disappears. It's one of David Blane's classic tricks along with biting the 'coin' in half and pushing a cigarette through a 'coin'. smiley - bigeyes

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