A Conversation for Cat-egories
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Mar 16, 2004
It was a reference to "frank", a la francophile, which is not a manila folder with the Generalissimo's dossier in it....
On the other hand, I prefer Hebrew National bratwurst... which reminds me of what my Granma used to call me, when she was slightly peeved...
Good night, everybody!
GreeboTCat Posted Mar 16, 2004
Ah yes... good ole Frank.... always ready to burst into song at the drop of a hat... dobedobedo...
Me is sure that was not the wurst name your Grandma called you... ~big grin~... me can think of some far worse names that you would never want published in a national newspaper... ~bigger grin~
All those itsy bitsy cutsey names... ~sigh~
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Mar 17, 2004
I had a deployer call me "unpourable" once...
Still haven't figured that one out.
Of course, it could have been his accident. They have a lot of those in Texas...
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