Defining Personal Skills
Created | Updated Mar 10, 2004
Defining Personal Skills
Everyone has skills and talents that can contribute to society. A good way in analysing your skills
is look at the routine tasks that you do on a day to day basis. Break down the activities that you do
and write down what skills you need to have to help you accomplish them.
Here is one example Housewife/Househusband:
The roles that they might do are: Nurse, Accountant, Counsellor, Organiser, Taxi driver, Mediator,
Secretary, Receptionist, Cook, Nutritionist, Educator/teacher, Child Minder and Entertainer.
Also to find what you are best at go through the following instructions and you will soon be able
to find what you will be happy to do either in study or in work.
Points are: 4 for the ones you are good at: 3 for the ones you are quite good at, 2 for the ones
you can just about do, 1 for the ones you are not good at, 0 for the ones you cannot do.
Be honest and do not put the things you dislike doing even if you are good as it help give you the
wrong direction for you to go in further study or work.
Categories are the following: Data/Information - Accuracy, Analysing information or things,
Diagnosing problems, Eye for detail, Figures and maths, Following instructions, Money skills,
Organizing, Problem solving, Research and Thoroughness.
Ideas - Advising, Artistic skills, Conveying feelings and thoughts, Creative work, Design skills,
Ideas, Imagination, Improvising, Using initiative, Words and Writing.
People - Caring for people, Communicating, Diplomacy, Human
relationships, Leadership, Listening, Patience, Reliability, Self-discipline, Selling, Team working and
Things and Tools - Building things, Driving vehicles, Growing plants, Hand-eye co-ordination,
Operating complicated machinery, Physical strength, Quick reactions, Repairing, Understanding
machines, Using tools and working outdoors.
Write down your highest scores for the above categories and select from the following.
If you have skills in the following you could look at paid or unpaid work, training or a new hobby
in the following areas.
Data/Information - Cash handling, catering and bar work, clerical, secretarial work, computers,
book keeping, library work.
Data/Information and things/tools - Computers, storage, despatch, delivery, driving.
Ideas - Working with local charities, legal work and advice - in a Citizens advice Bureau, for
example performing arts, art and design.
Ideas and people - Library work, journalism and community, newspapers, local radio.
People - Popular entertainment, sport and leisure, medicine and hospitals, education, nursing and
personal care, childcare and playgroups.
People and Data - Marketing and selling, shops and services.
Things/tools - Repairs and servicing, growing and caring for plants and animals, building.
Things/tools and ideas - Maths, lab work, photography.
Next week: Body Language/Communications Skills
Other Articles in this series.
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