A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
Anyone up for a laugh and/or chat?
Helen Back Started conversation Mar 24, 2004
Help me - am noo here, am a bitty lost, and if truth be told a bit PMSy. I'm gonna sit on a big comfy armchair, listen to the jukebox and read a book. Oh and help myself to the on the shelf next to me.
Hope someone joins me soon!
Anyone up for a laugh and/or chat?
moved to new address Posted Mar 24, 2004
You haven't fallen asleep, have you?
Have just poured a very large but fear I must go pretty soon, so will take it with me.
My friend had given me a book to read called 'The Beach' and will be starting that in a few minutes. Have fun tonight - hope some other hootooers join you for a . If not, then
they will be busy with other things.
Anyone up for a laugh and/or chat?
moved to new address Posted Mar 24, 2004
If still on-line come and join us in the Captain's Log Cabin. There's a nice big fire there, too.
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Anyone up for a laugh and/or chat?
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