A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 20, 2004
That was quick!! I think we are planning to go out for a pub lunch and a drive about in the country such as it is around here!
I lead quite a boring life, comes from being stuck at home with daughter a lot of the time. She's going into respite today so we will have the weekend to ourselves. Bit worried about her though as she as a bit of a cold and because her spine is so severely affected she has low oxygen levels.
Mr G has forgotten to send card etc. to his Mum so it will be a quick phone call to interflora in a bit!! to .
Have you been good and got card etc. for your Mum?
Rich_Dee Posted Mar 20, 2004
Every day is Mother's Day in our house as I have been looking after my Mum since my father died 5 years ago.
She is quite independent & far less affected by the usual elderly person's ailments - but has been underweight for a long time so when she is ill (eg over the Millennium holiday ) then she spends a long time getting over the illness.
My oldest sister sent flowers yesterday from Lincolnshire, but younger sister (Aylesbury) forgot to send a card - oops!
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 20, 2004
you sound lovely and caring to your Mum.
My Mum passed away in 1996 from Cancer only 64 which is no age is it? She was very brave and went very quickly because she didn't want to be a burden on everyone, it was very sad because she had just fallen in love with a guy after 20 years of being on her own.
Have you seen they had a big party in the CB last night for Mike's 700th I only made a guest appearance, trying to spend more quality time with family instead of on here! <smiley)
It's a shame you havn't got a computer at home! You miss all the parties in the evening.
Still as you are here now let's have a glass of or an
if you prefer bit early I know but who cares!
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 20, 2004
Enjoy your weekend Rich see you soon.
I'm shall carry on listening to my friend JR who always makes me laugh so much. whilst pottering and doing some jobs!
Lots of & big
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