A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
Spring goes 'sproingggg'!
Rich_Dee Started conversation Mar 17, 2004
It's at last
Yesterday, I saw a big fat bumblebee wandering through the air.
Plus a couple of butterflies including one of those raggedy-winged ones that tries its hardest to look like a leaf!
Encouraged by all this, I put on my industrial-strength gardening gloves, went outside and arm-wrestled with the blackberry branches
More exercise at 10pm when I chased a loud & drowsy housefly around my bedroom
And - hurrah! - this morning the pigeons returned, scritching and cooing their way across the roof above my window at 6am
Ah well - Happy Day everyone!
Spring goes 'sproingggg'!
moved to new address Posted Mar 17, 2004
Hiya Rich,
It's beautiful right now, isn't it? I this time of year and can't wait to get to grips with the garden. Have a zillion ideas of what to do to it. It's a
mess right now and needs much digging and weeding. I have problems with my wrist bones and had surgery on both arms in my teens. My wrists are very weak - my excuse to get Mr. Mustard to dig for me, I'm
at it so just don't bother anymore. I love planting new seeds and plants and watching them grow, especially when the children share the experience. New life always amazes this softie
Me and my son noticed our first fly today . We already have
Spring goes 'sproingggg'!
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 17, 2004
Hi Rich
we miss each other cos I am at work when you are here! Perhaps see you Saturday?
Spring is definately in the air we have an infested kitchen!! They are very crafty come out at night. We have had to resort to poison.
Very busy in the garden all the year around, Mr G is always in the garden and last night he surprised me with a giant plant he had planted. I can't wait to get on our beautiful sun trap of a bottom patio we call it Aztec world.
see you soon.
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Spring goes 'sproingggg'!
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