A Conversation for Comfort Corner Cyber Cafe
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
Researcher U634370 Started conversation Mar 16, 2004
Evening All
I'm here!!! Admiring all the hard work Corrie has done to the decor it is fantastic and it is so so comfy and cosy. A big big
for the
I'm helping myself to a large does anyone want to join me?
Had a boring day at work nothing much to report told you I was boring!! Oh colleague was on the 24 hour quiz yesterday so heard all about that, didn't watch it though find it tedious to say the least.
to everyone hope you find me!!!!
Lots of
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
moved to new address Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi BDG and everyone,
Going to stick to sparkling water. Have realised that too much alcohol and computer exposure is not too good for my head
Thought I might put something on our JV page to celebrate the arrival of their baby. Got side-tracked, as usual! This place is so interesting to explore.
Bodged-up the Comfort Corner welcome page a few minutes ago - in the interests of a friendly welcome I'll try and rectify the bodge before Jeremy's page! Think I saw something somewhere that Jeremy and Rachel are going to call their daughter Martha. Do you know if that's right?
What's the 24 hour quiz?
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
There you are? I often get sidetracked and wandered off. You have done a brilliant brilliant job. So just have the anyway even if it is sparkling water.
. I drank water all day yesterday so I'm celebrating tonight
The 24 hour Quiz is a dreadful show that's on ITV and ITV2 it's no wonder I'm on here! Much more creative!
I'm still working myself on a carer's poem not got very far. There are far more talented people than me out there in this big wide of ours. I spent 1/2 hour looking at the Appollo site don't ask me how I got there but there you go......... oh what a wonderful
Handing over the little one for computer time I need a lap top will still be logged in hope you get some more visitors. Replied to Aitch but then she disappeared!!!
Did you see managed to do the auto refresh so I'm giving myself a round of .
Lots of and
Back later....................
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 16, 2004
Evening Folks
I'll have a large glass of , thank you!
A stressful day, with computer glitches! but think they are all ironed out now! (maybe its the operator and not the computer!)
24 hour quiz - yikes! I've just remembered that we've got a Scout Fundraiser this Saturday - a quiz night! Ahh! best get my head into gear!
Corrie - yep I heard Kirsty say that the baby's name is Martha -isn't it all wonderful news!
I had a meeting today and secured a workshop for a local charity - and another meeting tomorrow to discuss more work for a hotel, so its all go this week.
And on Friday we have a visit from the Royal Family to Dorking! Might well cycle in the 3 miles just to see!
Gosh the has gone down well, best get a bottle of the stuff!
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
moved to new address Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hiya Ruth,
Didn't see you there as I'm in edit mode!
Thanks for confirming the baby's name. They must be so happy. I'm delighted for them.
Still trying to jazz-up the Comfort Corner main page. Phone keeps ringing, chat, chat, chat; forget where I was ... Have put some
on the juke box bit, very hip
Can I put a link on the Comfort Corner so all of the Steve Wright Golden Oldies come to you? If you go into your personal space, create a new message, call it 'RUTH'S GOLDEN OLDIES COLLECTION', (or whatever you want) then come out again, I'll do the rest. Thank you, thank you.
Everyone is fast asleep. Mr. Mustard has a virus now. There's a lot of nasties doing the rounds in Lincolnshire this week.
Have you got anymore nice quotes for us to share? You come up with some brilliant verses. Would like nice in the World of Twurlit_Chuckle, too.
I'll check back later. Think I'll take a glass of with me, for medicinal purposes, of course.
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Ruth
A top up coming up! Yes sorry Corrie remember after vacating the computer yes it's a GIRL called Martha interesting choice of name... it's definately different in this day and age!!!!
I often wonder if people's destiny lies in their names? Bit like Jeremy really did he get the job because of his name? Plus being a brilliant and amazing journalist must be fate!
A royal visit eh your making me feel guilty Ruth must get the bike out!! Lucy my daughter has met the Duke of Kent that's her claim to fame so far, apart from being absolutely gorgeous.
Did you hear Johnnie's tale of going into the R2 Message board tonight?!!!
Ho hum I'm still dancing and listening to R2
Lots of
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Corrie
Ok - will put the link onto my personal space - thank you for that .
Will have a look around for some more verses - I've got a couple more stored away.
You are a doing all this - I think its so exciting!
Well the man-in-doors has gone off to Scouts tonight, there doing backwoods cooking - bananas and chocolate - usually they have problems getting the fire lit! I've got some work which I really must finish for tomorrows meeting - putting together a training file, all exciting stuff! And then I guess I ought to do some Scout stuff as it's almost year end and the treasurer is nagging me for accounts!
The phone keeps ringing here as well - just spent 25 minutes nattering to a friend who lives around the corner!
So time for another and get on with this file!
Catch you in a moment or two!
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hiya Corrie and everybody.
Have been looking for somebody to chat to and started drinking wine alone. Fatal!! Funny how that makes you all sleepy and drowsy. Wish I had a computer in bed!!! Or maybe just someone to talk to!!
There is Teddy, but he doesn't say a lot. Must be a male bear, knows when to keep quiet. He looks at me with a very jaundiced eye when I tell him my troubles. I also share my bed with a little lion, his eyes follow me all over the place, he worries me, rather.
Corrie, I looked at some of your threads with ES, do you know, you two could be from another planet. I do feel stupid.
Never mind.
I'll bake us all a for tomorrow if you come in for
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hello Ladies
Wonderful to see you again!
Drinking wine on your own is definitely fatal - so it's a good job you have your cyber friends around you joining in - !
I have a laptop, but it is banned from the bedroom, as it constitutes work - working from home is quite difficult at times, and trying to strike a happy balance is like walking a tightrope!
I put in a wireless connection last year, so this year when it's nice and hot and sunny I can work outside and still connect to the internet, and talk to my friends in Comfort Corner
Am just having a quick look around for another verse for you to mull over - be back in a moment!
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
Geordie Girl Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi everyone
What's everyone drinking tonight? Just topped up the Chardonnay. We could have a toast for Martha.. It's a lovely name.
Don't know about anyone else but I can't get into the show when Jeremy's not there, it just seems flat without him.
He's done some tough assigments in the past though. I read quite a lot about his time in S Africa on the net just after he started the show. It was amazing. I used to work for SAA so found it fascinating.
I had a laugh at Johnnie when he was talking about the message board. Shame he got modded as I think he'd really get the board going again if he posted.
Must go and finish the ironing.
See you all later
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
twurlit_chuckle Posted Mar 16, 2004
Evening H
Take the bottle of Chardonnay with you - you'll need it if you're doing the ironing! Just had a call from 'my lady who does' and she's coming in for a couple of hours tomorrow to do some of the dreaded ironing - bless her! she's been poorly for 5 weeks, but thinks she'll be able to manage a couple of hours - thank goodness! She is an !
I thought Martha was a tad unusual for this day and age too; I guess we're used to seeing Kylie and Beonce! (if that's how its spelt!)
The weather hasn't been that great for getting out on the bike, but now the sun is shining its about time I got out and about with helmet & !
Have just posted a new saying under Thought Provoking - for all my friends!
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
moved to new address Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi all,
Just posted to you in Evan's place (I think) that I will buy you a laptop for Christmas. Then you can drink wine in bed and talk to your friends at the same time. I have serious concerns about the lion and wonder if he might be marched off to the spare room. Shirley can sleep with him when she next visits. Teddy is fine - he obviously knows his place, and a good job too!
I love the name Martha. It is soft and gooey, feminine yet strong. (Hope you know what I mean.) Some old-fashioned names can be a tad pretentious but Martha is so warm.
Going to check Ruth's next verse! What's she got for us this time?
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Mustard,
I'm not all that keen on Martha,it's only because I knew one I couldn't get on with. Isn't that stupid?
Corrie, sorry to refer to my page again, but why do they keep telling me there is an error on top? I'm sure I did all the right things and got my own words deleted, but they still didn't like it. It seems such a pity you did all that work for nothing if we can't show it.
Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi again
I'm being good and drinking thank you
such a lovely offer, I'll be up all night drinking
Feeling quite spring like weather been quite mild and sunny here today, just had a good clear out and feeling better for it. Take a look!
Lots of
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Hello I'm Here in the Comfort Corner
- 1: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 2: moved to new address (Mar 16, 2004)
- 3: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 4: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 16, 2004)
- 5: moved to new address (Mar 16, 2004)
- 6: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 7: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 8: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 16, 2004)
- 9: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 16, 2004)
- 10: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 16, 2004)
- 11: Geordie Girl (Mar 16, 2004)
- 12: twurlit_chuckle (Mar 16, 2004)
- 13: moved to new address (Mar 16, 2004)
- 14: FLYBYNIGHT (Mar 16, 2004)
- 15: moved to new address (Mar 16, 2004)
- 16: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
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