Talking Point: Allotments

3 Conversations

A burgeoning allotment.

The word 'allotment' might have once conjured up images of EastEnders' Arthur Fowler diligently digging up cabbages before trudging back home to Pauline for his tea. Allotments were worthy, but they were seen as being middle-aged and a bit dull. Not any more.

In some areas of the UK, there's an incredible ten-year waiting list. It seems their scarcity if nothing else has transformed these humble strips of land into highly-prized status symbols.

If you know your onions, please contribute to this week's talking point on all things allotment:

  • Do you have an allotment?

  • What are you growing?

  • Do you have any good allotment tips you can share with us?

  • Explain to the uninitiated just how good allotment-grown food tastes.

  • Can you actually save money on food bills if you grow enough stuff on your allotment?

  • Are allotmenteers in the main generally decent folk? Or are they cranky, competitive know-alls?

  • Have you ever been the victim of a turf war or do you all get along fine?

  • Do you know any great allotment characters? Are you one yourself?!

  • What do you think about the current craze for allotments?

  • Is it just another townie craze, or do you think the 'grow your own revolution' is here to stay?

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