A Conversation for Texas

Texas, my Texas

Post 1

Researcher 132653

Finally someone has something nice to say about Texas.
I am a Naturalized Citizen of Texas, that means, I wasn't born here, but I forgot any other place I forgot where I used to live before. So this is my home.
When writing about industries in Texas you forgot some really major ones, besides, wine and beer and BarBQ. Dallas or rather Richardson is known as Telecom Flats, almost every major telecom company has a mjor presence, and what isn't is Dallas, probably is in Austin.Austin is the seat of the state government but also home to University of Texas Longhorns - It is the LARGEST Public University in the US. Over 50,000 students and still growing. But Austin is also becoming the home of many telecom companys as well as Dell Computers and others.

Austin is also the home of Celis Beer Brewery. If you have a chance, go there, Clint Eastwood even had one of the brews at this microbrewery named for him - Pale Rider - it is good, They have tours that include sampling.

Other things that are Big in Texas is Schlitterbahn - This is a water park in New Braunfels - I don't advise staying in the "resort" it is used very loosely. But the park boasts the lagest uphill water coaster, Tres Cool.

That's all I can think of so far, but I will be back.

Bye Y'all.

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