
2 Conversations

Texas is the largest state in the United States, but is not, contrary to logic, the most populated (see California).

Actually, if there were as many people in Texas as there were in California, Texas would not be nearly as interesting.

Before you write and tell me that Alaksa is bigger than Texas - don't bother. By Texas law, Texas is biggest. Trust me.

Texas is a large state. This largeness is usually commented upon by first-time visitors, as in the phrase, "Jeez, it sure took a long time to get here!" Natives of this strange and terribly interesting place take their land's bigness in stride, generally responding with, "Yep."

By now, you should have some idea of the vastness of Texas.

If you wish to visit this large place, you should be aware of (1) local foods, (2) local industries, (3) local leisure activities, and (4) the flora and fauna.

Local foods - chili, beer, BBQ, beer, texmex, beer, and wine. Yes, wine - Texas has several good vinyards, some of which have even won awards.

Texas is home to many industries. Besides winemaking (see local foods, above), doing things with petroleum products is important along the Gulf Coast (which is unfortunate, given that that's where all the best beaches are), and agriculture prevails nearly everywhere else - including cotton, corn, and wheat.

Local leisure activities - Besides lying on the beach, drinking beer, and eating BBQ, that is - live music can easily be found in Austin (the seat of governmental power); camping and outdoor activities in nearly any sort of terrain you can imagine; water sports on the many lakes that you can have in such a large space; and even sitting in one's back yard with some good friends, eating BBQ and drinking beer are accepted ways to spend a relaxing time.

Flora and fauna - Beware of the following creatures, all having been spotted in different parts of the state - rattlesnakes, coral snakes, bears, alligators, bobcats, and armadillos. The armadillo isn't necessary dangerous, unless you're in a car going 70 down the highway and you hit one.

In the springtime, the Texas hill country becomes awash in a sea of colorful wildflowers, lasting about four weeks until the oppressive heat of summer kills every last one of them. Be sure not to pick the bluebonnets - at least, not if someone's watching - because that's the state flower, and the locals will become upset.

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