A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

the north end

Post 21

Electric Dreams

Comes back from the cellar with,

1 bottle of Red Mountain Reserve
2 bottles of 1997 Atlas Peak, Sangiovese

And 6 wine glasses, and places them on the table
If you need more, just help your salves.
O there’s a bar in the cellar to, and a few barrels and cans see what you can find.

smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 22

Electric Dreams

Moves over to the radio and turn it in to the < F1 >racing-live update...

Ferrari's six-times world champion Michael Schumacher will start from the pole in Sunday's Australian Formula One Grand Prix after qualifying in the fastest time here on Saturday.

Schumacher trumped teammate Rubens Barrichello in a fastest flying lap time of one minute 24.408 seconds to take the inside of an all Ferrari front row of Sunday's race grid.

It was the 35-year-old German's 56th career pole and placed him nine behind the record held by the late Brazilian driver Ayrton Senna. Barrichello, who posted the fastest time up until he it was bettered by Schumacher, clocked 1:24.482 -- some 0.074sec behind the Ferrari number one.

Williams-BMW's Juan Pablo Montoya of Colombia will start on the inside of the second row after his qualifying 1:24.998 equal in time with BAR-Honda's Jenson Button of Britain.

McLaren had a disastrous qualifying session with last year's championship runnerup Kimi Raikkonen of Finland 10th fastest in 1:26.297 and last year's race winner David Coulthard of Scotland 12th quickest in 1:27.294.

smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 23


Hi ESsmiley - biggrin

You are just SO generous. You are right, the drinks would be a lot safer on the table than on the house. Ha Ha!!smiley - smiley

I you have any hot chocolate I think I shall go and take myself to bed now. I've a very good book I want to read and I'm exhausted from visiting all these new places. Shall put more comfortable shoes on tomorrow.

Good-Night ES
Sweet dreams

FLYBYNIGHT smiley - kiss

the north end

Post 24

Electric Dreams

smiley - winkeye

the north end

Post 25

moved to new address

Happy, Sunday Morning, ESsmiley - smiley

It's very quiet in here this morning. Think everyone is sleeping off the effects of last night's lock-in, which I missed.

Please, my darling, may I have a large smiley - coffee.

My boiler has died this morning, I have to pop to my friend's house (all the kids will run around and cause mayhem), then I have to go shopping, wash school uniforms, cook dinner, help with homework, and maybe even tidy my house.

So, I'll slurp this coffee and smiley - run

Hope you have a lovely day in the Shepherd's Kitchen!smiley - biggrin

See you later,
Corrie B (Crazy Corrie) smiley - earth

the north end

Post 26

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya all

Off now, be back next week. Thanks corrie, yep help your selves please.
Have a nice week all, be safe and be well

ES smiley - smiley

just a little foot print left.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord,

You said that once I decided to follow You, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you the most, You would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My son, my precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you..

the north end

Post 27

moved to new address

Dear ES,

Thank you. I love Footprints - it helps me often. smiley - peacedove I hope everyone reading it will feel uplifted and closer to God.

God bless you and have a lovely week away. smiley - dontpanicI'll look after the kitchen for you.

smiley - love Corrie smiley - earth

the north end

Post 28


Hello everyone - sorry I missed lunch yesterday - Steak and chips sounded great and I could almost smell the garlicky mushroom and pepper sauce from here. ES - you have a great smiley - redwine cellar - can you just throw my food down the hatch and I shall stay here..... Anyone got any brilliant ideas about what sort of menu suggestions to give our chef in our hostelry here. He is willing and supposedly able, but it's difficult to get across the visual image of steak and kidney pie. We did all right with the liver, bacon, onions and mash the other night, but now we've started opining, he has developed an insatiable appetite for more knowledge. Sadly, I'm a bit of a smiley - clown when it comes to matters culinary, but I suddenly thought that if ES, Corrie, FBN, BDG and all you other great minds out there can't come up with a smiley - wizard idea or two, then there is no hope for the future of the smiley - earth!! Hope to catch you during the week and wish I could be there more often smiley - envy. Must smiley - run back to work! Take care and hope to see you all soon! x x x

the north end

Post 29

moved to new address

Hello Essjay,

Hope you're hungry. Thought I would have a 'Mexican' theme in the North End kitchen today. Have been chopping onions, garlic, chillies, peppers and salad all morning. Fancy a combo fajita?

the north end

Post 30


Dear Corrie - God woman!! Don't you ever stop titillating my taste buds!!?? Stir frys, chinese and now Fajitas!! smiley - drool
I was looking forward to a lamb tajine winging it's way from Morocco tonight but, as covered in another post, I think it will be a tad cold by the time it gets here! So, Fajitas will do beautifully. It will make a pleasant change from the sad morsel of cheese and the curled up piece of ham lurking in the bottom of my fridge!! I wonder what ham tastes like when it starts walking.... What time are you dishing up? Shall I bring a bottle of Tequila or does ES's cellar run to that as well??
My eyes are already watering with the onions... smiley - cry and my stomach is rumbling like Etna!! Give me a shout when you bang the gong!! Is it black tie?
smiley - biggrin

the north end

Post 31

Researcher U634370

Hi Corrie

See you've been doing a great job in the kitchen are there any left overs??

Anyway after a long day at the office and a late night!!!! I'm helping myself to a smiley - coffee and a slice of delicious yummy smiley - cake. This place is absolutely no good for us!!!!

Lots of smiley - love



Post 32

moved to new address

Dearest Customers of Shepherd's Kitchen

I thought you should all see this.

I hate those hoax warnings, but this one is important!!!

Please send this to everyone on your email list.

If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum.

This is a scam - he only wants to see your bum.

I wish I'd got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap.

Corrie smiley - earth

the north end

Post 33

moved to new address

Sorry I haven't been ignoring anyone intentionally - have been cooking in the kitchen.

There's plenty of salad, bread, fajitas, natchos, chilli beef. Help yourselves. I'm going to drink some of the loverly smiley - redwine my husband has bought me, so I suggest you eat quick before the standard of my cooking deteriorates.smiley - biggrin

Corrie smiley - earth

the north end

Post 34


Hello all,

The smell of that steak & chips had my stomach rumbling. Well I just had to pop in here. Please can I have a nice rare steak and a smiley - ale to wash it all down with.

Everyone's welcome to my virtual boozer as well.

Best regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

the north end

Post 35

moved to new address

Evening, your Lordship.

Here's your steak and chips, and smiley - ale

Enjoy your meal, sir.smiley - smiley

I was wondering, may I visit your pub? There's loads of food cooked and ready so everyone can eat then come to you afterwards.

Thank you ever so, sir.smiley - biggrin

the north end

Post 36


Of course you can, just drop in and I'll pour you something.

smiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss (Postie Phil in another life - Big clue)

the north end

Post 37

Researcher U634370

Hi smiley - earth and Lord Elpuss

That food smell's delicious yes please smiley - drool!!

And a glass of smiley - redwine to wash it down with would be brill thanks to Mr smiley - earth.

One thing is it me? But do you find it a pain have to go right to the end of the thread to answer or am I do something wrong? I find that a bit smiley - nahnah. Have your worked out how we can be grouped yet Corrie? havn't had time to investigate yet thought about asking Smudgie he seemed quite helpful. For general what's going on I have subscribed to the H2h2 conversation forum although it can be a bit of a pain cos every topic that's gets raised falls in your inbox!!! What a place this is? smiley - somersault.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

the north end

Post 38

moved to new address

Thank you so much, PP. I'll be over later. Am in desperate need of alcohol after a very busy day cooking for h2g2. I feel for real-life chefs - they work hard!!!

Good news is my boiler's fixed. £30 and we're all warm again. Think we'll do the snuggly thing on the floor more often though!smiley - smiley


the north end

Post 39

moved to new address

Hi smiley - hsif

I think asking Smudgie is sound idea. He's very helpful and friendly (all of his crowd are).smiley - biggrin I haven't got a bloody clue! smiley - erm

As for going to the end, I'm not sure. You could use the side scroll bar to get to the bottom more quickly, but I don't think that's what you mean. Whichever 'reply' you click on in any thread, your post will go to the end (unlike the CB and that confused me no-end because I kept missing posts and cyber friends thought I was ignoring them!)

This place is strange, and the intrigue and novelty of it is part of the appeal. When novelty wears off, though?smiley - winkeye

smiley - earth

the north end

Post 40

Researcher U634370

Ah so my friend so you just click on the person who started the message but how do you know what someone else has said further down? Off to catch a smiley - ufosmiley - martiansmile.

smiley - fish

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