Sheperd 's Kitchen

6 Conversations

Hello and Welcome..
I leave the Key, under the pot by the door. So if am not in, let your salves in..

A cowboy resting his feet on his patio.
Well it's a large oblong room, a low roof with a sky light in the middle, just above the kitchen table where all the mixing and potting and panning gets done, :)Sandwich

A door into the garden on the east wall.

The garden is old, at the far end is a small fruit orchard, Apples and a Pear, one of the trees has a kids rope swing, resting still in the evening air. The sound of the ornamental grass rustles in the gentle movement of the air, and the sound of crickets and birds float around endlessly.

Just in front is a vegetable patch, full of cabbage, lettuce, rhubarb. Potatoes, carrots and shrubberies, blackberries and a few odds and bobs that the kids have planted.

A large green lawn spreads down towards the house in the center is a small flowering cherry tree, O and the obligatory kids toys.

Just in front of the house is a paved patio, walled with a bed of flowers. A frame covered in honey suckle. A few DIY wooden chairs and a table with a parasol, with bar-ba-q and a bucket.
A Lamburger

And a door on the West side opening into the rest of the house.

On that door is a sign in big red letters saying "Danger... children not allowed" just under that someone has scrawled in light blue crayon "Children can't read dad".A big pot of soup with loads of lovely things in it!

At the South End

is the twin sink with twin drainers to match. With fly handle taps. The walls around this end of the room are wood (you know the sort like in a sauna). The cabinets are filled with tons of baking mixes, syrup, ketchup and things that are on sale,( you know you will need one day soon?) In the others are biscuits and crisps and snack like, things. to tempt most soles. and the kids favorite breakfast cereals ( which they eat any time) O and the "junk drawer". Well what can I say if it ant anywhere else it's there.. Chef holding pepper grinder.

On the west walls.

Is a World Time Clock A ton of spices, But to be honest, I cannot remember the last time I used some, but they sit comfortably shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the spices. On the shelves are 'Cooking Journal Jars all lined up like soldiers on parade, filled with things like pickled onions and cabbage, gherkins and cauliflower, eggs and fruit preserves.. The bread bin is full of home made brown and cottage loaves and a fridge full of fillings and drinks and other things to tempt most soules. Breakfast Tacos

At the Northen end

Is a set of second hand pub seats (you know the sort) that fixes to the wall under the bay windows, lots of dried flowers and spices hanging from the curtain rails and a few potted plants on the window ledge, just in behind the stolen wooden pub table (you know the type), taken out side in the summer and got lost at my house), and four high backed wooden chairs. And the walls at this end are papered with that silly red flock paper (pub-ish like). It's warm and friendly, where people could come and relax and have tea in the afternoon. Or dig up some long lost recipes for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinners. The radio is on top of the freezer >Three glassses of beer

The wine cellar

on the north wall and the south wall's I have fixed the wine racks, and in the middle of the room is the snooker table and not forgetting the bar on the east wall. and the small juke box just behind the door on the west wall, and a odd few cardboard boxes with things from my past under the old sofa, (mostly because I have no more room in the loft.) and a roll of very nosey roofing felt, looking very smug and salf important.

Just help you salves to the food and drinks..

At the Southen end

" Recipes Data File" If its in here, It on the menu in the Kitchen,if it is not, you can put it in.

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