A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

the garden

Post 1

Electric Dreams

Hi come on out.

The Garden

Post 2

Electric Dreams

The garden is old, at the far end is a small fruit orchard, Apples and Pear, one of the trees has a kids rope swing, resting still in the evening air. The sound of the ornamental grass rustles in the gentle movement of the air, and the sound of crickets and birds float around endlessly.

Just in front is a vegetable patch, full of cabbage, lettuce, rhubarb. Potatoes, carrots and shrubberies, blackberries and a few odds and bobs that the kids have planted.

A large green lawn spreads down towards the house in the canter is a small flowering cherry tree, O and the obligatory kids toys.

Just in front of the house is a paved patio, walled with a bed of flowers. A frame covered in honey suckle. A few DIY wooden chairs and a table with a parasol, with bar-ba-q and a bucket.

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