Red Kite in the Ruck

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The Zurich Premiership was on hold again this week as the Teams who had qualified for the Powergen Shield played their matches for entry into the semi finals. All four matches were excellent entertainment however one will go down in the history books as pretty amazing! The Wasp supporters and Club in its entirety will have it etched on the mind for a long time to come.

Top of the premiership League Bath played and lost to Leeds Tykes at Headingley with a final score of 21 - 10. This is the first time Leeds have made it through to a cup semi final and only the fourth defeat for Bath this season.

Sale Sharks saw off Saracens in a snowy match at Edgerley Park with a runaway score of 26 against 3 for the visitors. They will welcome Leeds to their home ground in a fortnight's time and hope that the Tykes meet the same fate as this weeks opponents.

The weather in Newcastle was equally as bad and, at one point, there was doubt whether the match would continue to full time. As it happens it did and Newcastle proclaimed a well-earned victory over London Irish, who were late arriving due to the snow that had forced them to fly into Edinburgh and coach down to the home of the Falcons. Despite being deprived of a warm up period they began gallantly but finally were outplayed losing 12 - 24.

The last match of the weekend was the fight of the insects, Bees against Wasps. First division Pertemps Bees formerly known as Solihull and Birmingham, travelled down to High Wycombe knowing they had a battle on their hands but fire in their bellies. Their supporters came in droves and drowned out the home supporters who, it has to be said, were disappointingly thin on the ground. Perhaps they thought it would be a whitewash and not worth going out in the cold for! As soon as the Bees stepped onto the field you could see the determination on their faces and in their bodies. They looked powerful! Wasps came out with only six of the regulars from the first team and were missing their Captain Lawrence Dallagio; still we have always said Wasps is about the whole squad, not the front line players. Well, I think we may have got it wrong! There is nothing like the underdog really wanting to win! Suffice it to say Wasps underestimated the opposition and seemed to think that it was a forgone conclusion that they would be going to the semi final to play against Newcastle. Well they were wrong! The better team on the day won, and the Bees took the game and Wasps could not hold them. Final score Bees 28, Wasps 24. Well done Bees you really earned the win. I for won hope they reach the final!

Red Kite in the Ruck Archive

Red Kite

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