A Conversation for WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Peer Review: A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Entry: W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer - A23636676
Author: Opticalillusion - media mynx life would be boring without hiccups - U231227

I think its finally time for this little beauty to go into PR. smiley - smiley

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 2


Hi Opti. Here are my thoughts:

- 'Yeats is pronounced Yates'
might suggest that to spell yaytes for phonetic clarity, or rhyme me gates, or hates, so that people no familliar with the surname understand.

- ' and alongside J. M'

Comma after 'and'

'instrumentalising the Irish'

I'm not sure what you mean by 'instrumentalising'

-'Susan Mary Yeats (nee Pollexfen)'

A footnote to explain what 'nee' means? Also, I think nee has an accent somewhere, but I don't know guideml well enough.

-'grandparents in Sligo.'

Where's that?

'first faery stories that I'

Did you mean to spell fairy like that? Also, I think the quote should be in single quotes, but I might be wrong.

-'joined the Theosophical Society and'

What's the theosophical society? Lovers of thought?

Also, you could link to: A2116694 Glad Day - The Life and Works of William Blake

'Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn'

Needs to be italicised?

-' 'a small dingy and impecunious theatre''


- 'Cathleen ni Houlihan.'

Was that supposed to be 'ni'? Is it Gallic? If so, do you know what it means?

'however and in 1908 they spent one night together'

Can you be more specific? Was this sexual or were they just in the same house? Sorry to be lurid, but I feel it needs clarity.

-' inspired by a Norman stone Tower near'

No need for a capital T in tower.

'his wishes of lieing'


That's all I can see. Good entry for a man who ought to have one.

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 3

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta for those pointers smiley - biro been sorting them out. smiley - smiley All done except the first now. smiley - magic

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 4


Okay opti. I'll have another look a bit later in case I missed anything first time round.

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 5


smiley - applause A worthy addition to the Guide.

Could I suggest a few punctuation changes:

...being a portrait painter and his mother Susan Mary Yeats... -> ...being a portrait painter; his mother Susan Mary Yeats...

His father's studio was located close by and Yeats... -> His father's studio was located close by, and Yeats...

Then in 1884 Yeats enrolled... -> Then in 1884, Yeats enrolled...

...Samuel Ferguson and James Clarence Mangan and in 1885... -> ...Samuel Ferguson and James Clarence Mangan, and in 1885...

...Dublin Hermetic Order with his friends; including... -> ...Dublin Hermetic Order with his friends, including...

...period in London including George Bernard Shaw... -> ...period in London, including George Bernard Shaw...

A Dramatic Poem and in 1889... -> A Dramatic Poem, and in 1889...

...a member of the Rhymers' Club and that same year 'the troubling of my life began' as he met and fell in love with Maude Gonne; an actress and Irish revolutionary. -> ...a member of the Rhymers' Club, and that same year 'the troubling of my life began', as he met and fell in love with Maude Gonne, an actress and Irish revolutionary.

...affair with until 1897 and Lady Augusta Gregory... -> ...affair with until 1897, and Lady Augusta Gregory...

...Irish Literary Theatre 'a small dingy and impecunious theatre', that became... -> ...Irish Literary Theatre, 'a small dingy and impecunious theatre' that became...

...twenty-six plays for the theatre including... -> ...twenty-six plays for the theatre, including...

...they had two children Anne (born... -> ...they had two children - Anne (born...

...Sean O'Casey and James Joyce all Irish writers... -> ...Sean O'Casey and James Joyce - all Irish writers...

smiley - towel

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 6

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Yeats is probably my favourite poet, so this is, IMHO, long overdue. I enjoyed the entry, but I think it worth mentioning that he changed his style abruptly when Reponsibilities was published: he discarded his mystical romanticised approach for something a lot more hard edged (and better for it).

A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Opti smiley - smiley This is goodsmiley - ok

Can you alter the title to read WB Yates - Irish Writer so it's in line with house style? Thanks.

Your "Referenced Sites" - you know what I'm going to say, don't you? smiley - biggrin
If you add the title tag to describe the website you're going to it will omit the repetition of "Yates" 6 times smiley - cheers if you would like me to write out the title tags - just ask nicely and I will assist you smiley - smiley

smiley - starsmiley - diva

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - headhurtsI previewed as well!smiley - yikes

"Yates" should have been "Yeats" my apologies, I'm only on my 2nd smiley - tea so not-yet-fully-functioningsmiley - sorry

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 9


I'd like to know about this 'title tag' thingy as well pls GB smiley - towel

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*finds somewhere comfortable to sit*

OK, I'll take one of Opti's links as an example:

Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by'.
- Yeats

The code used is:
Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by'. - Yeats so it appears as "Yeats" in the referenced site. If this passes through PR with no change, the sub-ed then has to add the title tag, thus:

Cast a cold eye on life, on death. Horseman, pass by. - Yeats

What will appear in "Referenced Sites" is "WB Yeats at the Cork Multitext Project website"
smiley - ok
This can be done by the sub-ed but it increases the risk of introducing errors, as the sub has no-one to check their work. If the author does it in the first place, then the sub can check it.

(note I've removed the one closing quote mark Opti, you can use the tag or quote marks but not both together)

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 11


Useful tip GB - thanks, I didn't know about that one smiley - towel

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You're welcome, I suppose you want your lap back now? smiley - sadface

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 13

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

right there's three things still to do at present smiley - biro

phonetics, rhyme etc
His change in style
Referenced Sites - yep know what you are on about smiley - smiley

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - okThat's great thanks Optismiley - ok

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 15

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I've addressed those three points and realised that some things weren't in chronological order so changed the last bit a little.

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 16


How're we doing here opti?

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

Your pronunciation explanation is a bit cumbersome. I'd say "Yeats is pronounced to rhyme with gates." and put it in a footnote.

He set up Abbey Theatre --> He set up the Abbey Theatre

Irish literature . -- remove the space before the full stop.

Protestant parents --> protestant parents (for some reason, you should use a capital C for Catholic and a small p for protestant)

on the 13 June, 1865 --> on 13 June, 1865

I don't think you need a footnote explaining née.

he learnt Irish fairytales, songs and formed a belief in fairies -->
he learnt Irish fairytales and songs, and formed a belief in fairies

You repeat the name "Yeats" too often. You should avoid saying the name twice in the same sentence, as in the following sentence:

In 1881 Yeats and his family returned to Ireland, where Yeats continued his education...

or even in two sentences which are side by side. Change many of the names to "he".

to make Yeats acquaintance -- that needs at least an apostrophe and in my opinion an s as well

with whom he had an affair with -- too many withs

who he stayed with -- since you have whom earlier in this sentence, this one should be whom as well

you have Mabel Beardley, but Aubrey Beardsley. Which is correct?

Yeats plays experimented -- again, it should be Yeats' or Yeats's depending on your taste

had an affect on --> had an effect on -- but it's rather a weak way of saying that they influenced

26 year old medium --> 26-year-old medium

Yeats poetry --> Yeats' or Yeats's

Thoor Ballyle --> Thoor Ballylee

and won a Nobel Prize --> and won a Nobel Prize for Literature

Your epitaph is in the wrong place. It should be at the very end.

You need a header "Poetry" before the paragraph which begins "In 1886 he released".

smiley - smiley G

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 18


< protestant parents (for some reason, you should use a capital C for Catholic and a small p for protestant)>>

smiley - sorry Gnomon, I have to disagree with you smiley - towel

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

>>I have to disagree with you.

That's OK. It's just something I was told by a protestant friend.

A23636676 - WB Yeats - Irish Writer

Post 20

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

To update us I have addressed everything except the following:

>>You repeat the name "Yeats" too often. You should avoid saying the name twice in the same sentence, as in the following sentence:

>>In 1881 Yeats and his family returned to Ireland, where Yeats continued his education...

>>or even in two sentences which are side by side. Change many of the names to "he".

>>to make Yeats acquaintance -- that needs at least an apostrophe and in my opinion an s as well

>>with whom he had an affair with -- too many withs

>>you have Mabel Beardley, but Aubrey Beardsley. Which is correct?

>>Yeats plays experimented -- again, it should be Yeats' or Yeats's depending on your taste

>>Yeats poetry --> Yeats' or Yeats's

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