A Conversation for My Bestest Friends

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 41

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

heheh I've got biscuits.
all mine.!
but i haven't eaten more than a milky way for ages.
oh well.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 42

Jo (Dead)

I have emergency rations in my bedroom in case my Mum decides to feed me vegetables like she did tonite. smiley - smiley

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 43


Me likes veggies... er... not as much as a doughnut of course... ~grin~... but they are jolly nice...

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 44

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

I used to keep emergency surplies but then i discovered shops. and off lincences.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 45

Jo (Dead)

You've never been to Soudley have you? smiley - winkeye

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 46

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

nope, am i lucky?

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 47

Jo (Dead)

Put it this way: Soudley hasn't discovered shops or off licences. smiley - winkeye

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 48


~Greebo looks astounded~... You mean you can't buy doughnuts there???

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 49

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

If u can't, it's obviously a barren wasteland.
Sounds like the edge of the final frontier.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 50

Jo (Dead)

It's in The Forest. smiley - smiley

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 51

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

with the elves?

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 52

Jo (Dead)

*cracks up at the thought of elves in The Forest Of Dean (at least the ones with dinky green cpas, not the T.Pratchett kind)* smiley - winkeye

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 53

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

err lol, the forest of Dean.
I'd like to meet some TP elves.
do u have aim or yahoo or icq?

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 54

Jo (Dead)

I've got MSN instant messenger and can download yahoo if ya like. smiley - smiley

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 55

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

Yay, get yahoo or aim, whichever u have more friends on.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 56

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

if u get aim, then d'l the beta version, u can send pictures.
but you'll get yahoo b/c lisa i guess.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 57

Jo (Dead)

Please don't ever tag me and Lisa togther again. I am not just "Lisa's friend." I am a person.

the expectation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 58

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

Well u might wanna talk to her. Humph.
things like that are funny aren't they.
There are too friends in my year who are beastest friends (Natash and jessie). ANd i swear I'm the only one of the boys who know them are two different people and not just Natah and Jessie. That's partly b/c I don't like natash much but think jessie ie really nice (eeww icky word), sweet (patronising), hmmm well err yeah.
You know what i mean.

the antisipation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 59

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

Well u might wanna talk to her. Humph.
things like that are funny aren't they.
There are too friends in my year who are bestest friends (Natash and jessie). And i swear I'm the only one of the boys who know them are two different people and not just Natash and Jessie. That's partly b/c I don't like natash much but think jessie ie really nice (eeww icky word), sweet (patronising), hmmm well err yeah.
You know what i mean.

the antisipation of a new lover's arrival.

Post 60

Jo (Dead)

I'm sorry, I just really hate that. Just 'cos she's more popular than me. Huh! smiley - sadface

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