A Conversation for Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
Peer Review: A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
TLG (The American Civil War History Group). Started conversation Feb 22, 2004
Entry: Lieutenant General James Longstreet. - A2327104
Author: TLG (ACW History Group). - U515781
Another leading figure of the American civil war.
A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
McKay The Disorganised Posted Feb 22, 2004
Well its brief....
We join him at 21 - no mention of his time at West Point - then we leap 19 years to the civil war. Then suddenly its 4 years later and the war's over.
No mention of him becoming a democrat, befriending Grant and becoming an ambassador.
Whilst Longstreet was a great number 2 he struggled when given independant command - and whilst you mention him disagreeing with Lee at Gettysburg, you don't mention he was probably right in his assesment.
that's probably come across a bit harsh, but its very brief for a man who was a leading member of the confederacy, and (I think) its longest surviving.
A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Feb 22, 2004
Yes, I would agree that this entry is on the short side. I would like more details. Although I confess that I've never heard of him, a brief search on Google shows up much more information, eg:
A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
. Posted Mar 31, 2004
Here we go again....
This entry is good, but too brief and needs a lot more information. There seems to be some around, try a web search. Are you still planning to finish it?
A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Jun 18, 2004
A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
Geggs Posted Aug 7, 2004
It appears not.
So I propose moving the entry to FM. Hopefully one researcher will pick up all TLG's Civil War entries.
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Peer Review: A2327104 - Lieutenant General James Longstreet.
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