Balut- Aphrodisiac of the Damned

2 Conversations

I see that next month in Bizarre Magazine they will be doing a feature on weird foodstuffs from around the world, and to advertise this they used a life size photo of "Balut" the Tagalog name for a semi-fermented, three-quarters developed duck egg. Vulgar but true, this Filipino delicacy is thought to be rich in vitamins and nutrients, so much so in fact that it has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and cure-all.
Late at night in the residential streets of Makati, you will see a man carrying a basket of duck eggs strolling slowly down the street calling out "BAH-LOOOT!"
Not so strange as it seems, the intent is to sell these rancid eggs to amorous husbands and boyfriends who believe that gulping these eggs down will increase their stamina, and lead to a night of prolonged rumpy-pumpy.
I actually tried this little treat while living in Manila just a few years ago, and would have to call it an acquired taste. You peel the shell back, so as not to looose the "juice" and once you have bared enough of the egg ('foetus' would be more appropriate at this stage) you wolf the thing down in two or three swallows, trying to ignore the soft poppings and crackings as it goes down.
Uncertain what posessed me, but I actually ate two.
Mok 105273

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