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Peer Review: A2323478 - 'Uptown Girls' - The Film

Post 1


Entry: 'Uptown Girls' - The Film - A2323478
Author: Niwt - U162817

This hasn't got much in WW yet so I moved it here, hope that's all right. smiley - smiley It's a bit silly, but to my surprise I quite enjoyed the film when I saw it.

A2323478 - 'Uptown Girls' - The Film

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - yikes
Apologies, Niwt, dunno where everyone is, probably Christmas shopping if the population of my local shops is anything to go bysmiley - headhurts

New York = A199389

Looks good to mesmiley - ok

A2323478 - 'Uptown Girls' - The Film

Post 3


Hiya Niwt!

I do not really remember the film as I have only watched it once in its entirerity. You article seems to grasp the gist of it without giving too much away.

One niggle though. I remember that the song 'Molly Smiles' was written for Molly by her dad and not Neal. Neal only sung the song at the end of the movie.

smiley - zoom

A2323478 - 'Uptown Girls' - The Film

Post 4


Thanks for commenting guys!

smiley - blush You're right, thanks, I did imply that Neal wrote the song as well as singing it, I have changed it now so it's clearer, I hope in the right part of the entry.

smiley - cheers

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Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - somersault

smiley - bubblycongratulations Niwt!smiley - cheers

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