A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 21


It needs something sweet and non alcoholic.
Bolly!! Virtually almost totally non alcoholic and fruit based, so very healthy! What do you think sweetie?
smiley - fish

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 22

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

*alicat emerges from the kitchen with several bottles of rum.* How about these? smiley - smiley

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 23

Witty Moniker

*WM drops by with 6 large bags of ice from the 24-SEVEN*

Here, Greebo, these should last for a bit. Let me know when you need more and I'll send it over.

By the way, you've been working awfully hard. You better have a doughnut break. smiley - smiley

*hands Greebo a Multi-Coloured doughnut with Alabaster creme filling*

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 24

Demon Drawer

No it doesn't taste right.

*grabs a bottle of Whiskey and pours it down throat*

Ah, that's better.

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 25


~Greebo takes all the offerings and dutifully pours them into the punch bowl... she looks in doubtfully~

Hmmm... maybe that doughnut was not such a good idea... ~weak grin~


~Greebo tries the punch...~

Phewwwwww... me thinks we should renamed it the kick... Greebo wipes her suddenly perspiring brow~

Still something missing me thinks...

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 26


~HoneyBee enters and accidently drops a bag of chocolate glazed donuts. Greebo shoots by like a comet, simultaneously picking the bag of donuts up and shoving them in her mouth. With Greebo thus distracted, HoneyBee darts over to the punch bowl and empties a bottle of Absinthe into the mixture~

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 27

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Comes to the doorway of the kitchen, wiping floury hands on her apron.*

My sister made a punch exactly like this when she was in high school. They mixed it all up into a brand new, scrubbed out garbage can and called the punch 'Wapatuli'. It was a Wapatula/toga party. They added juice to the mix to make it go down easier. Since this is a new millenium and all, I think adding some kind of healthy power drink stuff that's packed full of electrolytes and vitamins might be a good idea. Might keep us going until the 24th when the real party starts.

smiley - winkeye

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 28


~Greebo looks around for a power drink and then has a bright idea... she goes to the fridge and gets out her power drink and pours it into the punch bowl~

Hmmm... is it supposed to go lumpy like that???

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 29


May I suggest... do you think a doughnut would be a good addition?

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 30


Ahhhh... Pere~grin~... you see those dark lumps... those are doughnuts... those white lumps are congealed milk me thinks... maybe a good stir would make it better???

~Greebo gets a wooden spoon and stirs vigorously~

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 31


*Peregrin plugs in an electric turbo-powered whisk and proceeds to spray the punch liberally over the ceiling*

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 32


~Greebo backs away from a manical looking bird~

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 33

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. *alicat leaves the kitchen, and the cake preparations, with a large strainer.* Maybe we should take out those lumps of doughnuts and put them in the cake. smiley - smiley

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 34


I've got lots of flower to put in the cake.

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 35


I've got a spare bucket of krill. You could put some in the cake and some in the punch.
smiley - fish

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 36


Let's see what it tastes like.

*tastes punch*


Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 37


Wow... now that certainly packs a punch... ~Greebo collects as many feathers as she can and puts them all in the punch...

Me names this punch in honour of the flying one... Pere~grin~ Punch...

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 38

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Hello- can I help? How about punch taster?
*falls over and lies still for a bit then pulls feather out of teeth and fans face vigorously*

Hmmm tasty, should go down a treat smiley - smiley

What sort of flowers has Peregrin got for the cake? Catmint?

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 39


~Greebo adds a little more whisly to the punch~

Ahh... er... me not sure what happened to Pere~grin~... he went to pieces you know... no stamina for a drink have birds... ~grin~

Greebo's Party #13 ... Birthday Preparations...

Post 40


*Feline wanders into the party*

feline: what's all this then? a party? and i didn't know?

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