A Conversation for Bikini Competition
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Bikini Competition in the h2g2 Post
Bluebottle Posted Jan 22, 2000
That's okay, done it loads myself...
So, why don't you like attachments?
Bikini Competition in the h2g2 Post
The Cheese Posted Jan 22, 2000
All those icky viruses...just freak me out a little. I don't want to get one.
~The Cheese, who will soon begin to stop putting things after the comma
Bikini Competition in the h2g2 Post
The Cheese Posted Jan 23, 2000
I've never been to England, so clue me in: why does it need more oak trees? Were there oak trees but they all got chopped down? Or are you just a fan of oak trees?
~The Cheese, © 2000, patents pending
Bikini Competition in the h2g2 Post
Bluebottle Posted Jan 23, 2000
Yes, England was once covered with oak forests, and they've all disappeared over the last 300 years or so, and this has been disasterous for the English Red Squirrel, which in most of England is now extinct, apart from on the Isle of Wight.
Bikini Competition in the 2nd year
Bluebottle Posted Sep 25, 2000
BTW - new bikini competition starts soon - hang around here for more details: http://www.h2g2.com/F44375?thread=75736
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Bikini Competition in the h2g2 Post
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