The Main Hall

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The Main Hall
This entry chamber is vast and dark, with the ceiling lost in the black above. In the front of the chamber there is a large black obsidian door, in the back double black doors to the outside. The right and left have 2 9-foot doors along the base of the wall, and hundreds of ornamental menacing spikes decorating the rest of the way up. Hidden among the spikes are dark green, green, and gray lights1 of some sort pointing upward, casting long designs and shadows on the walls above them. Above the double doors is a huge circular window. It looks like an intricate iron design with gray glass in the gaps. The deep bloodred light coming through this window throws a design on the floor of the Main Hall at midday. On either side of the front door stands a 10-foot-tall black-and-red-robed figure holding a ranseur2. To the side of one is a black pit in the ground. Above the door is a gigantic smooth pentagon raised off the spikey surface, with a pentagram raised off it and a dragon's head in the middle. Protruding from the dragon's mouth is an intricate shape of obsidian carved to look like flame, reaching out over the center of the room into the rays of light through the huge window and casting a fiery-shaped shadow onto the floor. The dragon's eyes glow red.

Door Left 1

The Inner Sanctum

Door Right 1

Door Left 2

Door Right 2

Outside the Citadel
Door Left 3

Door Right 3

1The color of those lights in Minas Morgul in Return of the King2Serrated spear/halberd

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