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The Inner Sanctum
The Inner Sanctum of the Obsidian Citadel is better lit than the outer parts of the Citadel, with lines of fire lining where the walls and ceiling meet, and evenly spaced lanterns build into the walls. The rooms are neat in a sort of menacing way, kept up by ghosts and spirits. The Inner Sanctum is simply a pentagonal area inside the larger pentagonal Citadel with only one door to the outer layer of the Citadel. In the middle of the Inner Sanctum is the Shadow Council Meeting Room, and around it are the Gods' bedrooms, the Scroll Room, the Portal Room, some stairs, and a hallway that encircles the whole Inner Sanctum.

To the left there is a gold-framed Door, with a fiery reddish brass handle. Engraved in the shiny obsidian surface of the door is a dragon's head.

This room is small and rectangular. Behind you is the door to the Main Hall of the Obsidian Citadel, ahead is the warded and locked Door to the Shadow Council Meeting Room, which can only be opened by a God on the Council. On either side of the door ahead are statues of strange evil beasts, each carrying a battle axe which is held at an angle across the doorway. They are made of obsidian, except for the brass eyes, horns, claws, and teeth. To either side is a doorway.

To the right there is also a gold-framed Door, with a fiery reddish brass handle. Engraved in the shiny obsidian surface of the door is a demon's head.

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