2 Conversations

The Hallway

This hallway is obsidian-walled and lit by bright torches, as is most of the Inner Sanctum. The hallway curves continuosly, wrapping around the Inner Sanctum. On the ends of the hallway are doors to the Entrance Hall of the Sanctum. These doors are almost invisible from this side but are emblazened with a gold dragon's head on the other side. They are warded and locked. On the inside of the back of the hallway there is another warded and locked doorway leading into the Shadow Council Meeting Room. Across the hall from this door is a small window, looking out over the vast plains of Hell in the shadow of the Obsidian Citadel.

Along the rest of the inside of this hall are black doors into the God's Chambers1. Each of these doors is marked with the God's symbol. Some of the room's are empty and totally dark, but the majority are brightly lit and richly furnished.

1In threads below.

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