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The Obsidian Citadel

You stand on a black stone bridge over a river of steaming magma, looking up at the vast fortess in front of you. This is the Obsidian Citadel, towering over the infernal plains with a dark majesty. Two enormous chains stretch from the 3rd floor of the citadel to the end of the 20-foot-wide, 2-feet-thick obsidian drawbridge. The entrance to the citadel is over 30 feet high, with 2 huge steel doors and a portcullis behind them. Over the door is a huge stone dragon head, and above that a tinted window, where light comes in and casts shadows in the entrance hall. Some runes are inscribed on either side of the dragon's head.

The fortress is mostly pentagonal, with spikes and towers of various sizes lining the edges all the way. Between the spiky edges and the cave-filled cliff down to the lava moat there is a 3-4 foot rocky uneven rocky ledge around the side of the citadel. The ledge disappears around a spike on both sides.

The Ledge-LEFT

To the Door

Back to the Village

The Ledge-RIGHT

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