A Conversation for The Leo Club
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Roar!... I is Leo
mummit Posted Jul 10, 2007
Hello Leo, I realised I'd added the badge to my PS before you said I could join - hope you don't think me cheeky! I found you just from randomly stumbling around the site, I think it was a thread saying 'are all Leos show-offs?' I would love to be an extrovert cat - although I might imagine what it's like to have all eyes on me etc, that certainly doesn't translate to reality - the thought of being the centre of attention leaves me
! Thanks for adding me to your club!
Roar!... I is Leo
Leo Posted Jul 10, 2007
Not cheeky at all - you're a leo, after all. May I request that you drop a line on the page of The Real Leo Club?
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Roar!... I is Leo
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