A Conversation for The Digibox Users Petition.


Post 61

Knight Stalker

Yes heres my vote, I know they are gone, but the more votes the better, TELEwaste my listen!

I thought the internet was about unrestricted access to information regardless of how you enter.

Down with PC apartide,(however its spelt!!!)


PS ANGEL has been cancelled by Warner Bros


Post 62


Hi Andy / Chris

Well as you know i am not on pc i use didgi box, so now i have to come to a library to gain access.
It makes me feel angry with people that are so up themselves, anyway i better not say anymore just incase they come at me with a ton of bricks.

Catch you all tomoz smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel


Post 63

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi nats
sorry i havent had time to let you have the pictures but i will get round to it
i hope you are feeling a bit better
i will email you later take care
jinty smiley - hug


Post 64


Hi Jinty smiley - smiley

That's ok take your time, there is no rush.
I'm still sore for i have had my physio again today, i can't wait for it to finish then i will right as rain.
How are you yourself anyway, i hope that you are well.

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel


Post 65

Cassie - Peace Dove

Brora and angelicheaven are you aware that you are doing what a lot of researchers find annoying about digibox/exLD users?

This is a serious conversation thread, and you are using it for 'chitchat' please do this through your own 'space's' not in serious threads.

Thank You

smiley - peacedoveI come in peace, working for peacesmiley - peacedove


Post 66

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

sorry cassie
smiley - wahjinty


Post 67


smiley - sorry Cassie, it won't happen again i promise smiley - ok


Post 68

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Apprehensivly add comment.

I am afriad I am not going to sign your petition because I think you are fighting the wrong fight.

Your campaign should not be to stop the "Magic Email" from being removed.

Rather you should be campaigning to have DNA included as part to the legit Telewest interactive TV package; this is the way forward and what you should be campaigning for. When you set up that petition I will sign it.

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