A Conversation for The Leeds Rhubarb Meet Report


Post 21

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*hands the manacles smiley - handcuffs to the clerk of the court and skips away a free man*

smiley - somersault


Post 22


Shouldn't we have a jury composed of normal, unbiased members of the public who had to rush their Chinese food because of the delay at the previous pub?


Post 23


Actually the vast majority of it is not really made up; just substitue lease for tea, the case names are good, its the Law of Property Act 1925 rather than the Law of Proper Tea Act 1925 and you are away. Guess what I was revising this morning... smiley - tongueout

I'm on to Criminal now, so I suppose we could have a jury for the next one lol. Maybe I should set up a h2g2 court somewhere...


Post 24


smiley - biggrin I figured that after Googling a couple of your cases.


Post 25


I didn't know google could do that, cool eh. I have to use these ridiculously expensive books/legal search engines to get the full text and so on.

In a catalogue of interest I've just got past White, which is a great example of the doctrine 'when you're number is up...'. Son puts cyanide in mum's wine, but she only manages to take a sip because she then dies of a completely unrelated heart attack. Poor woman eh...


Post 26

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

so let me guess he didn't commit murder - because although he carried out the premeditated act and had the intention to kill her - even so her death was not a result of either of these coincidental events so he was, in fact not guilty of causing her death.



Post 27


It's not difficult to Google: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22Lace+v+Chandler%22&btnG=Google+Search&meta=


Post 28


No murder, because he didnt kill her, but he gets done for attempted murder, which incidently carries the same maximum sentance. Just makes me laugh when I think of the mother at the (strictly non-denominational and most metaphorical) pearly gates asking exactly why x (where x can be God, god, gods, devil, demons, nothingness, not sure, a man sneezing) wanted her dead so bad.

Sorry to have misled you Bagpuss, it was more that I didn't realise that you could access the full text of the cases, but I guess you can be lucky with google smiley - smiley


Post 29

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

ah yes I was forgetting the attempted murder charge. Sucks to be him eh? smiley - winkeye


Post 30


Well... he did try and poision his own mother...

I mean ex-girfriend, boss, evil warlord, self; I could have had more sympathy smiley - winkeye

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