A Conversation for Life. Things that make it worth living.

upside-down food

Post 1

Scrottle on the bottle

What you say about eating toast upside down is undoubtably correct, though maybe not reason enough for living. However put with a couple of the others, then yes.
However, the way up that you eat any toast or sandwich makes all the difference to the enjoyment of eating. While toast is almost always better upside down (adherence of spread permitting), sandwiches must always be eaten the right way up. Just try eating a peanut butter & jelly (jam) sandwich upside down, or even worse cheese and pickle.
The best example of this that I've found was in the 'Science Fiction Cookbook'. One of the authors gives the recipe for a perfect 'Meal in a Mouthful' sandwich, giving precise instructions for proper layering.
I no longer have a copy of it, but it's well worth searching out...

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