Life. Things that make it worth living.

2 Conversations

Anybody feeling full of despair & sucidal should consider the following before ending anything:

Audrey Hepburn films.

Fried Mushrooms.


Cooking in a wok.


The Drew Barrymore "PlayBoy" pictorial.

Imogen Heap.


"It's A Wonderful Life"

The theme to "You Only Live Twice"

The art of being able to guess if someone has pink or brown nipples just by looking at them.

Buzz Lightyear toys.

Sex. ( But only good sex )

Unrequited Love ( even when it's painful, it's worth having ).


A southern Irish accent.

Or, indeed, any celtic accent.

Old style 'dial' telephones.

Natalie Portman.

Jimmy Stewart.

A hot shower.

Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

Hot towels out of the dryer.

Bubble baths.


Deep Meaningful Conversations.


Midnight phonecalls that last for hours.

Choclate chip cookies.

Experimental cooking that works.

The last episode of "My So Called Life".

More suggestions are welcome. Share with other researchers the joys of life, and how the quality of it can be improved. Like the fact that buttered toast tastes better if you eat it upside down.

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